Thursday, October 24, 2013

A bunch of stuff happened and we're going to China.

I need an official blog-post-titler. No experience necessary. 

We're getting awfully (wonderfully!) close to buying plane tickets to China (4-5 weeks still. Don't freak out, self). So, in the interest of documenting maybe one of the only trips we'll ever take where we bring back a human being, I've started a blog. 

Meanwhile, I thought I'd use the time before we travel to document some of the crazy things Beau has let me do to our house. If you know me, you know I usually don't stop to take "before" pictures. So I'll start off by showing you what our house looked like the day we had it inspected. 

I smile so hard every time I look at these pictures. We had about 4 days to find a house and Beau couldn't come with me to look. I didn't mind. I do my best shopping alone. From all of Marietta, this is what I chose. I have not regretted it. 

(stop it. don't get me started on tiny little Henry)

 Our diamond in the rough was hiding between these two charmers.

She was a little overgrown, but the street was so adorable, and those charming houses house charming neighbors, so I wasn't scared. Yet. One hour after we moved in the pest control inspector informed me that we had about 300 spiders in the house, including a few black widows and one scary looking cocoon housing a giant wolf spider and 100 of her precious babes. Shudder. They suggested we cut down some trees. DONE.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You did it! I'm so excited to keep up with your blog!
